Key deposit & catch all tray: Where to put keys & co?
So that's not so rattling & clattering.
So that's not so rattling & clattering. With key deposits & catch all trays made of felt and leather, keys, wallet and cell phone now have a stylish storage space on the sideboard in the hallway. On thick felt, the bunch of keys always lands softly and the clattering and rattling are reduced. On the key deposit in your entrance area, you also have house and car keys together with wallet and cell phone always at hand.

Catchall trays and storage bowls made of felt or leather
Front door or car keys, loose cash, earpods, phone and the watch: The catch all tray or key bowl is the collection point for small things that otherwise have no place and lie around untidily. In the basket of hope or basket of luck, affectionately called by many, you will quickly find "with a little luck" your keys and a few coins for the rolls at the bakery or the eggs from the farm store around the corner. You have the choice between the felt catch all tray in many colors and the black leather key tray - each in 2 useful sizes.

The felt key deposit
The felt pad is the ideal place to store your keys and whatever else you carry around in your pockets. The deposit for keys will decorate your entryway, reduce scratches on the surface of your cabinet and with its natural material will become a small daily joy when coming home. Especially if you choose light felt, you will have a nice overview of the key selection and other utensils even in a dark entrance hall or dark surfaces.

Felt key deposit according to desired size and color
You can have the felt key deposit for your sideboard cut by us in your desired size, the key storage in the desired size can be made rectangular or square. With a custom key deposit, you have the option to cover even larger surfaces with felt. This is especially advantageous if you want to place larger items such as folders, bags or laptops. Configure your key rack made to measure at our felt cuts from our extensive color palette.

Key storage pads in different sizes and shapes
Price-wise it is a bit cheaper if you fall back on felt coasters or felt placemats from our standard program. In addition to many sizes and colors, you can also choose between different shapes such as round, rectangular, square, hexagonal, oval or the asymmetrical stone shape.

A catch all tray - what is that?
The catchall tray is a smaller storage tray or basket in which you deposit your keys, mobile phone, wallet and coins when you get home. Then you have everything at hand at all times. With a pocket emptier, you also create order on your sideboard or organise your desk clearly ... and when you leave the house, you save yourself the search and forget nothing.
Where is the catchall tray used?
Use the catch all tray or key holder in your home, for example in the hallway, entrance area or at your workplace in the office. The storage tray is used wherever you spend longer periods of time, where thick trouser pockets are inconvenient and you want to make yourself more comfortable.